About Us
You can't really get to know a church from a website. You have to just come along and meet us. But we've posted some things here you might want to know about.
What sort of Church are we?
We're an independent church.
We're a charity.
We're a family.
We're a community.
That means that we're not part of any denomination. But we're like many other churches. We're Christians and agree with the Evangelical Alliance Statement of Faith.
We operate as a charity and so we're governed by charity law. We have trustees, have public accounts and are registered with the Charity Commission.
We're a bunch of people who have grown close enough to call each other a family. That doesn't mean you can't join our family. There is room for more, we promise.
We live in communities. Where we work, where we live, where we study, where we have fun. Even our social networks are communities. Our lives are shaped by Jesus and so the communities we are part of are impacted by Jesus too.